Survival Tips for Finals

Finals are the worst thing a student has to take at the end of a school year. Finals are tests over everything that they were taught throughout the entire school year. Finals are put on report cards as a separate letter grade and can also be added onto a nine weeks grade. Tip number one, study. Most teachers are kind and hand out study guides to show exactly what will be on the finals. Completing the study guide is the second tip. Doing it by yourself will show how much you know and how much you forgot. Tip number three; ask for help on the things you forgot. Asking for help on the things you forgot and having the teacher reteach it before the final will help out a lot. Getting it retaught is the best thing to do so you know how to do problems, what to know about certain topics, or what to know about the test. This way you will feel super confident on passing the final and will have no worries of failing it. Getting a good night’s sleep before the day of the final is tip number four. Do not show up to school tired because you will not be able to concentrate good enough and you might just be willing to guess on questions just to get it over with.  Tip number five; do your best!