Jalen Torres – Athlete Biography
Jalen Torres is a senior and a first year football player.
Since it is Jalen’s senior year what better way to cap it off than to play football. Knowing he is already good at basketball, he decided to add another sport to his repertoire. Throughout the season Jalen plays many different positions but his two main are safety and wide receiver. Jalen’s goal for this season is to take it one game at a time and do his best.
Jalen began attending Jefferson-Morgan at the start of his freshman year and always wanted to play football. In the games that he has already played this season, he already scored a few touchdowns and hopes to maintain that throughout the rest of the season.
On Jalen’s free time he enjoys rapping as well as playing basketball. “This is my last year at JM and I have to make my best out of it”, says Jalen

Gavin Teasdale is a Senior and a second year Journalism student.
Gavin participates in many things but the main thing he participates in is wrestling....