What can make the biggest impact in someone’s life?

What some people think the biggest impact in someone’s life is just being a friend. Friends are what keep people from going insane. Without friends a person would have nothing to do. Most people do not realize how important their friendship is until they lose it.

Friends give a person someone to talk to. If a student is going through tough times and have nothing going for them a friend gives them a reason to say that it could be worse. “Friends are the most important thing in a person’s life in my eyes” says Tristan Yeager. Most people think that they have to be popular to have friends and that is not the case. People can have friends even if they are not popular it all depends on if they want to make new ones. Which most people are afraid to do and it is not hard to walk up to a person and start talking to them. Most people are shy when it comes to that and they do not need to be, there is no reason to be shy.

Another reason that friends are important is because without them people would go insane. They would have no one to talk to and even worse they would have to go through life without anyone being there for them. Most people, as stated earlier people do not know how important friends are until they have none left. It is not a good feeling to not have any friends because then all a person has is themselves and most people do not want that but have to live with it. People without friends end up going insane well not all of them but a good bit end up that way.

“I do not care if I have friends or not but they are nice to have” says Breonna Johnson a student at Jefferson-Morgan. See people need friends because if they do not have any they lose it and go nuts. Now do not think that if a person does not have friends that they will go on rampage because some people like to be alone, not all of them but some of them. Most people have friends and the ones that do not they might not want any.

Like said earlier a person does not have to have friends, but friends are hard to come by so when you have them try not to lose them. People make that mistake to often some of you might be one of those people. If you lost them try to get them back.