It Can Wait!


This week students at Jefferson-Morgan are taking action in the “It can wait” pledge. The school feels that this is a very important topic pertaining to all of J-M’s students, but especially student drivers. When people think cell phones, they also think “teenagers.” So many people use them while driving which is very dangerous to the driver, passengers and other vehicle operators. Why do students feel that it is necessary to put the lives of so many in the line of danger?

Kedar Davis, a student driver at Jefferson-Morgan had something to say about the “it can’t wait” pledge, “Using an electronic device while driving puts students’ lives at risk because driving requires 100% of a driver’s attention.  I admit to using my phone while driving, and it was a big mistake because I nearly hit a deer.” Kedar has decided to participate in the “it can wait” movement.

Is there ever an appropriate time to use your cell phone while driving? For instance, what if a driver is on a late night drive and a car begins to ram them from behind. In this case should the driver be allowed to make an emergency phone call on their device to an emergency service? However, this should really be the only instance drivers can use their device while driving. Using a mobile device for anything else is just unacceptable.

Senior Brittany Broadwater said, “I think in an emergency situation, it is totally okay to use a mobile device to alert emergency services. However, this is the only time a mobile device should be in use while operating a motor vehicle, because it puts to many people’s lives at risk. I admit to using my cell phone to call other people while driving, but I have made it a point to participate in the “It can wait” movement.”

Jefferson-Morgan is glad to bring awareness to this major issue in today’s society. The school hopes to help put an end to the usage of mobile devices while driving. All of the students here are doing their part to stop using their mobile devices while driving. Remember everybody, “It CAN wait.”