Snow Day Prompts FID Day

Austin Crockard

More stories from Austin Crockard


(Photo Credit Via Publicdo Under Creative Commons License)

FID’s otherwise known as Flexible Instructional Day is used for students when schools have a snow day where you turn in an assignment on google classroom instead of making up a day at the end of the school year. This gives students a chance to do work and not have to go to school. When students have a FID day they have 5 days to make up the assignment or it is counted as a zero.

A FID’s is used so that students don’t have to make up a day at the end of the year in the summer. FID information is on the Jefferson-Morgan website and says that all students have five day to make up for the work or you are marked absent for that day.

The positives of FID’s are students have time to do work and have fun, students don’t have to make up work, it’s easier for teachers to do stuff online then in class, and the assignments are mostly short.

The fault’s of FID’s are that students take too long, students will most likely wait past the five day period, most students won’t do the work that day, and teachers have to grade online and if there is no power then they can’t post assignments.

In the end FID’s are a good idea. FID’S give students the freedom and time to complete assignments without having to make a day of school up.