American Cancer Society Fashion Fare

Brooke Weir

More stories from Brooke Weir

(Photo Credit via

(Photo Credit via

Saturday, November 21, was the 34th annual American Cancer Society Fashion Fare. This fashion show was made to honor all of those who battled cancer and either won or sadly lost. My little cousin, Mazzi Alexis Ramella, was in the show with her mother, Krista, and older brother, Balin. Mazzi is someone who had to battle with cancer, and won her fight. When she was just two days old, Mazzi was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. Her fight lasted a little over one long year, but she came out even stronger than before. The fashion show was created to honor all of those whose lives have been touched with cancer, and to hopefully raise money to find a cure. This years show honored 3 kids under the age of 11 who won their fight and 2 adults.


Mazzi’s struggle has been long and hard for everyone in the family. Her story is sad, but inspiring at the same time. When she was 3 days old, they transported her to Children’s Hospital and admitted her into the NICU (nursery intensive care unit). She went through 7 different surgeries and 3 feeding tubes, her first surgery when she was just 14 days old. Luckily, the doctors were able to get over 90% of the tumor in her neck. Although, this one surgery messed up her vocal cords, making it hard for her to speak. The doctors went back in and tried to strengthen her cords and only allowing her to drink a certain mix to help her. Thankfully, one year later Mazzi was able to start making noises and trying to speak.
Now at the age of 2, Mazzi is stronger than ever. She kicked cancers butt at the age on 1 and can  now get full words out. Balin, her older brother, has been a huge supporter on her half, by always watching over her, making sure she only drink what doctors say she can, and singing her songs while she was in the NICU.