High School

Brooke Weir

More stories from Brooke Weir


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Everyone tells me to remember these years because they go by fast. High school is suppose to be the best four years of ones life, but for others it’s not so good. High school is full of good times that make me laugh and bad times that make me want to cry, but that is all part of the experience. The good things to high school are friends and finding who you really are. Without my friends I really do not know how I would make through school. They all help me with my homework, study, and just make my day better in general. The other good side to high school is finding who you really are. In the elementary school, kids like everything and are friends with everyone, but as we grow up and enter high school, it all changes. I, personally, found who I was and my true friends in high school. Everyone become interested in different things and it allows someone to be themselves.

With all the good things in high school comes the negative. Stress, bullies, and maximum filled classrooms. Stress is a huge part of high school and something just comes with the responsibility. Teachers gives tests all on the same day and loads of homework. This causes m students, me personally, to stress out. I get home around 3 everyday, then I start my home work right away. With having 8 different classes, and homework in about 5 of them, I finish around 5. Next to do is study for all the tests on the same day. Studying and knowing one test takes me about 2 hours, so studying for multiple tests takes a few hours. This stresses me out because there is so much to be done and so little time. Balancing time between homework, tests, and eating dinner causes so much stress. Bullies are also a huge part of high school, because they are everywhere. They are not so much necessarily making fun of people, but they are judging more, because they are not who society wants them to be.

High school is full of different standards that everyone wants to meet, but just can not. They are suppose to be the best four years of our lives and go by fast, but in reality they are four quick years just filled with judgement and stress.