Riding On A Track

Tristian Wright

More stories from Tristian Wright

Welcome Back
August 29, 2016

(Photo Credits:www.georgiamxbuilders.com)

Riding on a track is fun and exciting but there are something’s that riders should keep in mind when riding on a track. Keeping it clean, respecting the property, and being responsible while riding on a track are some of the key things to do to ensure the future usage of the track.

Riders that keep the track clean, as in, no littering, keeping parts off the ground and making sure all of the gear the rider uses is picked up and kept off the track. Respecting the property is the biggest thing the rider can do to ensure the future use of the track. A great thing a rider can do is not destroying anything that is on the track. Accidents do happen but some riders intentionally ruin things that are on the track. Sometimes, tracks have wooden stands on the sides for flaggers to stand in to keep an eye on the riders. Some riders accidently run into those but some will launch their bikes into the stand.  Stuff like that actually happens and no one is completely sure on why some riders do those kinds of things. Some tracks have restrooms and some riders find it fun to destroy those. That is the only restroom on the track and riders that actually use are forced to use the restroom elsewhere because other riders find it fun to destroy the restrooms.

Being responsible is the best thing a rider can do to ensure their own safety and fellow rider’s safety. Don’t be too wild on the track if there are new riders. New riders don’t know how to handle some obstacles and going by them at a high speed could mess them up and result in a crash. Never commit to an obstacle that seems impossible. Doing something dumb like trying to air out a quad or do a backflip off a burm is something that riders shouldn’t do. That can lead to a severe crash and result in a broken body and possibly a broken bike.

Staying safe and being responsible while riding on a track is very important. Doing those things will ensure the safety of fellow riders and the bike. Staying responsible and respectful while riding on a track can ensure the future of the track and the ability to ride on it.