New Riders

Tristian Wright

More stories from Tristian Wright

Welcome Back
August 29, 2016


Many riders find it amusing to watch a new rider learn how to ride. It can be amusing but sometimes it’s nice to help a new rider. New riders are trying to learn the sport of dirtbiking and they want to become a great rider but sometimes they need guidance.

If a new rider begins to struggle, it would be nice for an experienced rider to give him some tips and guidance. New riders have trouble with the balance of the bike. Balancing the bike is one of the hardest things to learn for a new rider. A new rider doesn’t know how to stay comfortable and confident while riding the bike but an experienced rider could give them some tips on what they could improve and how they can use their body to make the balance mush easier.

A new rider will also have times when they are afraid to do something new on the bike. Every experienced rider knows that the only way to learn new skills is to practice and try different things. A new rider could learn some many things just by trying a new skill. Jumps, hill climbs, and any other main skills that new riders would fear could be easily conquered just by getting on the bike and trying them. An experienced rider will always remember what it was like for their first time riding a bike and they know that learning to ride is hard and a struggle but experienced riders should know that any tips and guidance they give to a new rider will go a long way for the new rider.

New riders have a lot to overcome when learning to ride a dirtbike. Experienced riders will give them tips and tricks on what they should do differently or what they should improve on. Experienced riders will know when to give advice to a new rider and it is always helpful.