My Pixie Experience

Caroline DePhillips

More stories from Caroline DePhillips

My Time at J-M
May 26, 2017
(Photo Credit via Instasize)

(Photo Credit via Instasize)

There are times when I look in the mirror and I am suddenly hit with the fact that I have short hair. My decision to get a pixie cut was very sudden. When I came up with the idea to cut my hair so short I didn’t even really think about it. The idea was so precipitous but I am so glad that I actually did end up getting a pixie cut.

My mom and pap like to say that my hair is like a horse tail. Naturally my hair is extremely curly and super thick. Having my hair very long was something I tried to stick to. I would try and avoid getting haircuts because I did not want my length to be any short. My hair used to be down to my waist. I would constantly wear it up in braids and ponytails because it was too much to deal with. Wearing it down was such a hassle for me. Two and a half hours to about three is around how long it would take me to straighten my hair. It was too much for me.

I remember it was a few days after my birthday when the idea suddenly hit me. I woke up one morning and thought, “I want to get all of my hair cut off.” I told my mom exactly that and she hated the idea at first. Still to this day, even after having a pixie cut for almost two years now, my mom hates the fact that I cut all my hair off. When I first got it cut to a pixie cut my mom cried. She was used to seeing my long hair for years and years. Then all of a sudden I wanted it all off.

I love having a pixie cut more than anything. I used to never want to cut my hair and I wanted to keep it really long forever. Cutting my hair was one of the best decisions I have ever had. Pixie cuts are so much easier to deal with than long hair. My hair is always off my neck, it’s easier to style, it’s quicker to do things like washing my hair, getting ready in the morning, straightening it.

There have been many people who have asked me, “When are you going to grow your hair back?”, or “Are you ever going to let your hair grow back out long again?” My answer to those questions is no. My short hair defines me better than my long hair ever did. This look suits me better for my personality.