

A lot of riders do not realize the true importance of brakes. Brakes are obviously an essential part of the dirtbike but brakes can save a rider from a last minute crash.
Brakes are very important when it comes to jumping a dirtbike. A dirtbike is not hard to maneuver in the air but if the rider were to launch incorrectly and they find that the back end of the bike is dipped down; a small tap of the back brake can actually straighten the bike out in air. Brakes are also very important when it comes to logs and rocks. Using the brake to maneuver the bike over a log is difficult but will make the process much easier in the long run. After going over a log, the front end of the bike is in the air while the back end of the bike is still on the log. The rider can prevent a “loop out” by tapping the brakes and dropping the front end of the bike back down to the ground. A “loop out” is an action which takes place when the rider is doing a wheelie or going up a hill and they are on the throttle too much and flip the bike over on top of them.

Brakes are very easy to maintain also. Replacing the brake pads after every couple of rides is important to the performance of the bike. If the rider has a hard time getting money for brake pads every couple of rides, it is best to just buy a reliable brand and replace it every month or so.

Brakes will always be essential to a dirtbike because they are the only part of a bike that can stop it other than shifting down but that won’t be as effective as brakes.