Media Controls in Life

Caroline DePhillips

More stories from Caroline DePhillips

My Time at J-M
May 26, 2017
(Photo Credit via

(Photo Credit via

It would be nice if life had a rewind, pause, play, and a fast forward button. Life would be so much easier at times with those buttons. I would be prepared for absolutely anything in life. I could save myself from embarrassment and outbursts. I could fix any mistake that I had made.

A rewind button would be absolutely fantastic to have in life. I would be like a gift from God. If I had messed up with homework, a test, or classwork I could go back in time and fix my mistake. If there was a day where I did not study for a test that I had the next day I could go back in time and actually study for it. If there was homework I did not do, I could go back in time and do it. A rewind button in life would definitely help me out with school.

A pause button would be a pretty good thing to have in life. I could pause moments that I cannot handle in that point in time. If someone was telling me bad news that I cannot handle, I could pause that moment to take a breather. It would give me time to take in news and to take a minutes break. It would be very helpful for presentations in school. I get extremely nervous when I have to present in front of a class. I hate to present because of how nervous and scared I get. Right before I have to present I would hit the pause button to take a breather and to calm myself down a bit. It would give me time to snap myself back into it so I can present without freaking out as much as I do.

There are times when a fast forward button in life would come in handy. It would be helpful for when you are going through something horrible in your life. If I am going through a really bad time in my life I could press the fast forward button to get away from it. I would fast forward to when that dark time I am going through lightens up.

I would love to have a rewind, pause, play, and fast forward button in my life. They would really help me out with everything I am going through and everything that I am dealing with. I think everyone would like to have those buttons for their life. It would definitely be a big help for everyone in their own ways.