Call of Duty 4 Game Review

Austin DeFrank

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August 29, 2016
Call of Duty 4 Game Review

Call of Duty 4 Remastered Edition is coming out along with Call of Duty Infinite Warfare if the game is preordered with the Legacy or Pro Legacy editions of the game. Call of Duty 4 has been a favored game since 2007. The game was a huge hit on the last generation consoles and its still being played by gamers to this day. A Call of Duty 4 Remaster sounds too good to be true, but it really is happening.

Call of Duty 4 was the game that set the tone for al the other Call of Duty games. The multiplayer style, ranking system, weaponry and story line of Call of Duty 4 was phenomenal. It was hard to beat by the other CoDs, there hasn’t really been better yet though. There was nothing wrong with Call of Duty 4. The remastering of this game is exciting everyone in the gaming community.

With Call of Duty 4 featured 16 original, classic maps and some great game modes. There were the typical game modes such as Search and Destroy, Team Deathmatch and Free For All, and there were some pretty awesome game modes that aren’t typically seen anymore such as Cage Match and Old School Free For All. Call of Duty 4 had a unique variety of game modes, weapons and maps, uniqueness and originality is lacked in mot Call of Duties after CoD 4. The online play for this game was amazing and it for sure didn’t disappoint anybody.

Call of Duty 4 had an amazing storyline to it. The campaign actually featured characters that players would become attached to and care about. The missions were creative and original, the campaign was actually fun, unlike the new Call of Duty games’ campaign modes. There were Special Ops missions too which added a lot of fun to the game as well. Call of Duty 4 didn’t do anything wrong with their single player campaign mode at all.

Call of Duty 4 Remastered is going to feature the same things the original Call of Duty 4 did, maybe even more. Call of Duty 4 had and amazing storyline, amazing characters, amazing weaponry and amazing online multiplayer. Call of Duty 4 was one of the best Call of Duty games ever made. In 2007 this game was rated 9.7/10 by IGN, when it comes out November 6th, 2016 it will most likely have the same or about the same rating. The remastered edition of Call of Duty 4 is definitely worth the buy.