Life Lessons in School Work

Savannah Saesan

More stories from Savannah Saesan


Students have a lot of responsibilities. Although the students complain, the teachers do not change because all the projects and homework given to students are for a reason. The project or homework’s subject might be considered as irrelevant to students, but can teach life lessons.

Projects teach creativeness. All projects have their own set of rules, yet there is a lot of room for a student’s creativity to show. How someone presents a work, is a big part of life, If a student goes into business, having an interesting and creative presentation intrigues who the student is talking to. People do not wish to sit through boring presentations, and people who change that stand out. People will see how much time and effort is put into it, and be more likely to hire you. Projects, also teach time management. Many projects done for school, are created on a student’s own time. Working on a project the last minute is stressful, and most the time not as well done as it could be. Projects, allow students to work when they want, and for how long each day. Students learn how to use their time wisely, and efficiently.

Homework teaches students to meet deadlines. Homework is there to help students grasp the concept they are working on, and to be completed at certain times. Many teachers want homework done the next day for class, and if the student procrastinates then they might be unable to do their work on time. A student, must do their work, and not blow it off. In any field of work, being late and rushed is not tolerated. Being late, will eventually fire a person from their job. Many corporations and business run on tight schedules, and need work done on time and done right. Homework prepares the student for whatever job they might choose.

School might be a lot of work, but there is reason for it. Projects and homework teach creativity, time management, and working on dead lines. School is giving students all the tools they need for the future.